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BoxMart meet the Team – Stuart Hardwick, Graphic Design & Ecommerce Marketing Executive

  • How did you get into the industry?
 I graduated from the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Visual Communication - Graphic Design and my first real design job was in the Graphic Design department of a commercial printing house. After about six months I decided I wanted a change, so I went to work for a small, family run business called Workplace Products, though it is now a market leader and popular wholesale supplier of industrial and commercial equipment.Whilst there, I created the company’s 500-page catalogue, which was enjoyable as it allowed me to meet suppliers and fellow creatives who would add their products to our publication. After a few years, I was asked to work on the company website. It was quite a ‘baptism of fire’ but luckily, I like a challenge. Over the years, I transformed the company’s web presence to reflect its development into a multi million-pound business. I also trained people about design best practices. I loved my time with Workplace Products but after twelve and a half years it was time for a new role and I joined BoxMart.
  • What inspired you to get into the packaging industry?

One of the main draws of the packaging industry is the chance to see your designs out there in the public domain, on the shelves of shops and supermarkets, even if sometimes you have to keep it a secret due to client confidentiality. It’s also one of the few industries where you learn something new every single day as trends are constantly changing and you need to learn quickly to adapt.   
  • What are your favourite elements of your job?

Every element of my job has its merits! I particularly like search engine optimisation work and when it comes to the design side, I love being creative and collaborating with colleagues to help produce visually striking, memorable packaging that makes a real difference to brands.  
  • What are the biggest challenges in your role?
The biggest challenge is time. We could all do with more of it! It’s important to be super organised to keep all the plates spinning, so creating an organised workflow is vital and important to keep under review. 
  • What’s your favourite project you have worked on?
Working at BoxMart means I get the chance to work on a huge range of different projects, which is very exciting. Some of my favourites are still classed as confidential so I can’t share them, but outside of that I really enjoy working on our stock website It’s certainly a project as it has to constantly evolve so is never complete. I love working on projects like that as it means I’m constantly updating my knowledge – it never gets boring!
  • What’s your favourite thing about working for BoxMart?

BoxMart is a such a fantastic place to work that it’s hard to choose! I have to say my favourite thing is when a collaboration between the BoxMart team and our clients pays off in the marketplace. 
  • Any interesting hobbies outside of work?
I enjoy learning how to fix things as it’s interesting to be able to see and understand how things work. It doesn’t always work out for the best, but it doesn’t stop me trying! I also like to keep-fit in the gym when I can and get outside to ride my mountain bike and go walking in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. I feel life’s a constant learning experience, so I like to do anything that involves reading and gaining as much knowledge as I can.
  • What advice would you give to someone looking to do what you do?
Patience is key, it builds the foundations for your entire career so don’t skip the basics. I also think it’s really important to be open to change. Though you may start down a certain career path, don’t be afraid to try as many new things as you can – even if they deviate slightly from your initial goals – it could lead to greater things than you expected.

My final piece of advice would be to work hard and not to go through life expecting to just be given things. The hard work you put in will make you appreciate what you achieve even more.
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